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Add a 19th Century Chic to a modern bathroom

Freestanding bathtubs are making a resurgence!

More and more clients are requesting a separate bathtub.

It really is the ultimate luxury.

A claw-foot tub is a special place in which to soak, play and dream. Its an escape from our overstressed, overworked society.

Slipper tubs are also wonderful! The curve of the tub wraps around your shoulders and it makes you feel like you're wrapped in a cocoon. Ohhh so relaxing!

Whether you have a pedestal or claw foot tub. I find tubs are beautiful and they add a 19th Century Chic to a modern bathroom. And design wise they are much smaller than their built-in, oversized counterparts.

If you have the space, a bathtub is worth the investment!

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